The Saleve is a small mountain, only a 20 min bus ride from our apartment. It's small, but very steep, carved mainly of rock cliffs. Hiking the Saleve is a favorite pastime for Genevans and we finally did it two weeks ago. We had no idea what we were getting ourselves into. We thought it was going to be an hour hike at most. It turned out to be 3 hours. We were extremely out of shape, stopping every 10 minutes to catch our breath, hearts pounding, legs burning.
At one such stop, only halfway up the Saleve
I collapsed in this field, flat on my back, only 10 more minutes to the top!
We finally made it to the top, resting for an hour at the outdoor restaurant before riding the cable car back down the mountain. My body was in a bit of shock, chilled in spite of the heat, weak and shaky. It was quite the workout for me, but I made it to the top! I was determined!
We watched multiple hang gliders take off from this spot.
Walking home in the late afternoon, dreaming and scheming about what to have for dinner. If you click on this picture, to make it bigger, you can see the dozens of hang gliders as specks in the sky.
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