Yesterday was a particularly difficult day. Last night, the house was dark, Chris was asleep in bed and I was having trouble sleeping. So I got up and went to my computer, hoping to unwind before reattempting sleep.
I was particularly discouraged.
I clicked on my "verse of the day" e-mail, hoping to glimpse a bit of cheer. The verse was as follows:
"Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know."
I figured I'd give it a try. What did I have to lose? Weakly, lamely, I uttered a request in my head, asking Him to show me these great and unsearchable things. Not expecting fireworks, I fiddled around on facebook for a bit and then tottered off back to bed.
In the middle of the night I awoke with waves of passage after passage flooding my memory.
The following two verses sum it up best:
"For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and of death."
"But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who indwells you."
That is all I'm going to say. I'm not going to bore you and put you to sleep with details of how this concept specifically applies to me. My words can't describe to you the glory I saw, felt and believed. You'll only understand it if you see it for yourself.
So I urge you..... try it. Call to Him. Ask him to show you great and unsearchable things. Or maybe you've had a similar experience. Let's "rejoice life" together today.
I know this may seem trite and uninteresting in comparison to your revelation, but it is still very special to me. A few months ago, I felt a gentle nudge. "I notice that you really like tequila," he said. "Is there a particular flavor you can think of that you would like?"
"Coffee," I said after several moments of reflection. Coffee tequila? How strange. But for some reason it sounded good.
Anyhow, yesterday I went into the ABC shop, having totally forgotten about this conversation. Lo and behold, on the shelf, there was a new flavor: coffee tequila. I asked the attendant for information, and she said it was a new flavor that everyone is loving. And there just happened to be one left on the shelf! I thanked my god profusely.
Hi my name is Ingrid and I recently ran into your post about your move because I googled Phil Watts with Suddath. We are moving to Budapest, Hungary and were thinking of using him as a mover. Would you mind sharing with me your experience? Thanks so much!
Hi Ingrid! I don't normally comment on my own posts, but I don't know of another way to reply to yours...
I adore Phil Watts! What a lovely man. How did you hear about him? What caused you to google him? I think it's just fantastic that this is the way you found my blog. I had to think for a minute, trying to connect the dots to how googling Phil Watts would bring up MY blog. Then I remembered the post where I mentioned him. =)
We had a very good experience using Suddath for our move and I would definitely recommend that company to others. I believe every move has a hick-up or two and ours had one or two, but I can't remember what it was now, so it must not have been significant. Overall, it was a great company and we plan to use Suddath again when we return to the U.S. if they are available going the other direction.
Give my regards to Phil if he happens to remember me!
All the best to you in your journey to Hungary.
You can contact me at if you want to chat further.
God bless!
Thank you so much for taking the time to respond. I was researching companies to help us with our moves and came across Suddath. I talked with Phil and they will hopefully be coming by to give us a quote this coming week. I am so glad you are happy in Europe - here's my email - just take out the spaces
i n g p e c k @ g m a i l . c o m
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