Friday, July 15, 2011

The Saleve is a small mountain, only a 20 min bus ride from our apartment.  It's small, but very steep, carved mainly of rock cliffs.  Hiking the Saleve is a favorite pastime for Genevans and we finally did it two weeks ago.  We had no idea what we were getting ourselves into.  We thought it was going to be an hour hike at most.  It turned out to be 3 hours.  We were extremely out of shape, stopping every 10 minutes to catch our breath, hearts pounding, legs burning.

 At one such stop, only halfway up the Saleve

I collapsed in this field, flat on my back, only 10 more minutes to the top!

 We finally made it to the top, resting for an hour at the outdoor restaurant before riding the cable car back down the mountain.  My body was in a bit of shock, chilled in spite of the heat, weak and shaky.  It was quite the workout for me, but I made it to the top!  I was determined!

 We watched multiple hang gliders take off from this spot.

Walking home in the late afternoon, dreaming and scheming about what to have for dinner.  If you click on this picture, to make it bigger, you can see the dozens of hang gliders as specks in the sky.

It is with a heavy heart that I announce the end of this blog.  There will be other blogs, other stories to tell, but this one has reached it's end and it is for the best and most happy reason...  I'm headed home to the land I love, America the beautiful.

We planned to be in Europe for three years, but now find ourselves going home after a year and a half for reasons related to our desire to start a family.  We still pray for and expect to enjoy a pregnancy one day, but right now we are pursuing adoption and adoption is easier when filing from your own country.

So stay tuned for my next blog titled, "Deep Scent of Jasmine," based on my love affair with Florida, which started in 1997.

The truth is, I love the whole of the United States now in a way I could never have experienced if I had not left her for this year and a half.   Eleven days ago on July 4th, I connected to the celebration of my country in a way I've never felt before.  In the past, I always enjoyed the fireworks, but that's about it.  I didn't have a strong sense of belonging anywhere, so naturally I couldn't connect to this celebration on a deeper level.  Spending a year away has granted me the gift of "belonging."  Some people leave the country of their birth and find belonging in another country.  Much like the spirit of adoption, they are grafted in and a new country becomes their true home.  On the other hand, the majority of us will always belong in the country of our birth, whether we're given the gift of appreciating it or not.

I've received the gift.  In five weeks I'll be stepping off a plane in the United States, this time to stay.  I've always thought it was super silly when people get off a plane and kiss the ground, but now I understand.  The asphalt will be hot enough to fry eggs in August, so I think I'll still pass, but I finally understand the sentiment.

I still have no idea to which state I belong.  I used to think it was Virginia, but now I'm not so sure.  What I do know is that I belong in the United States of America and it's the most wonderful feeling.

America is not better than all the other countries.  There are many other countries which deserve equal respect.  To say America is the best would be like saying "my family is better than your family."  I never want to have that attitude.  Nonetheless, America is an amazing country, one to be proud of and worth fighting to protect.  Whatever America may experience in the coming years, for better or for worse, I want to be there to experience it with her.

Enough with the sentimental... Mon Aventure is not over yet!  We still have 5 more weeks of  International adventure, which will include me overcoming my fears and learning to Scuba Dive in the South Pacific!

In two weeks our furniture will be collected to start it's journey to Florida while Chris and I head to Guam to visit his brother's family for 3 weeks.  Stay tuned!
